Category Archives: General Announcements & Stuff
New Photos 4.26.13
Check out the new photos taken by Kai Kwong from the Boots ‘n’ Buckles Dance 4/26/13 at the Swiss Park Dance Hall, Newark, CA! Thanks Kai! Denny and I were the DJs; 58 dancers!
Beg. Alongside Interm. Dances 2013
I’ve been teaching my Beginner class some “1st-time” beginner dances (not upper beg. or improver, just 1st time beg.), that will go with intermediate dances. Purpose is so they will be able to dance along with the songs used with … Continue reading
Photo Tab–many new ones!
Be sure to check out the photo tab under the header! You’ll find a lot of new photos, most of which were taken by Kai Kwong. Thanks Kai!
FREE Beg. Class! 2013
Mark your calendar! We will be holding a 1-hour, FREE Introductory Beginner class on Thursday, March 21, 2013. Location: The Little House Activity Center, 800 Middle Avenue, Menlo Park, CA. Cross street: El Camino Real. Free intro class
Quicksteppers Superbowl Dance 2/2/13
Denny and I will be the DJ’s at the QS Superbowl Dance on 2/2/13. It will be in Belmont, CA, at the Barrett Community Center. Doors will open at 7 pm; dance is from 7:30-10:30 pm. GO NINERS!!!!!
SnK Chinese New Year’s Feb. 24
SnK are having their annual Chinese New Year’s Party on Sun., Feb. 24, 2-5 pm. Visit the SnK website for more info. We’ll be there!
BnB Valentine’s Feb. 8, 2013
Be sure to join Boots ‘n’ Buckles for their Valentine’s Dance on Friday, Feb. 8! The DJ’s will be Evelyn & Denny–hey! That’s us! It will be held at the Centerville Community Center in Fremont, CA. Dance is from 8-11 … Continue reading
My New Dance Jan. 2013!
I debuted my new dance, “Spanish Harlem,” at the Cactus Corners Workshop & Dance 2013 on Sat. Jan. 19, 2013. You’ll find it on my choreography page. Song is by Neil Diamond–very cool song.
BnB Instructor/Student Night 1/25
The January 2013 Instructor/Student Night is on the 25th! Instructor will be Henry Costa. See the Boots n Buckles website for all the info!
Silk & Satin 17th Birthday 2012
Visit “Articles & My 2 Cents” tab for a brief article on Silk & Satin’s birthday, a dance I choreographed in 1995. December 2012 marks its 17th birthday! Below is a photo of Jelly’s Bar & Grill where Silk & Satin … Continue reading
Mini-Marathon Dances Taught 2012
We held our annual Mini-Marathon class last night in Palo Alto, CA, 7-9:30 pm–also did some open dancig! The dances taught were:1. Just Be, a fabulous waltz by Craig Bennett2. Let Her Go, new dance by Francien Sittrop, wonderful music3. … Continue reading
“Breathless” by Simon Ward
I’ll be re-teaching “Breathless” by Simon ward during this next class session, which begins on Sept. 18, 2012. Stay tuned as to the date! As many folks know, Simon is coming to the San Francisco Bay Area on Oct. 12. … Continue reading
Brand New Entry Level Beginner Class
NEW, ENTRY LEVEL BEGINNER class! Held at the Cheryl Burke Dance Studio in Mountain View, CA! The Dance Studio contacted me to help them find a line dance instructor, so I decided to fill the slot myselt! I’m a firm … Continue reading
Summer Break, Palo Alto, CA Class
No classes on these nights (Interm/Adv.)–we are on an end-of-summer break:Sept. 4. 2012Sept. 11, 2012Classes resume on Sept. 18, 2012
QS 25th Birthday Dinner/Dance!
On September 15th, 2012, Country Quicksteppers will be celebrating it’s 25th birthday! Catered dinner starts at 6:30 pm, dance is from 7:30-10:30 pm. See Quicksteppers’ website for more info.
Remember These Dances?
I would like to bring back these 2 dances, so they could be coming up during our next 10-week session:1. Stand By Me Cha, by Masters In Line 2. 123 Summertime, by Roy Verdonk and Wil Bos
No. of Dances Taught in 21 Yrs!
I have carefully made an estimate of the total number of dances I’ve taught in my 21 years of teaching line dancing, including the full year of 2012. The number comes to 4,166. Includes classes, events, etc. I can’t remember … Continue reading