Category Archives: General Announcements & Stuff
BnB Dance 9.5.14
Photos were taken by Laura Ma at the Boots ‘n’ Buckles dance in Fremont, CA, Sept. 5, 2014. Scroll by using arrows or just sit and watch automatic scroll (about every 5 seconds or so ). [flagallery gid=13]
Ice Bucket Challenge 2014
See this video for completion of my ice bucket challenge for the ALS Organization! I’m now challenging Gary Clayton and Marcie Walter to do the ice bucket challenge–either contribute to ALS, or pour ice water over yourself, or both! Completion … Continue reading
Substitute for Sept.-Nov. 2014
Julia Wetzel will be substituting for me for our next class session Sept. 16 – Nov. 18, 2014. Then, class is out for all of the holidays (as usual). I’ll return to class for the following session starting Jan. 6, … Continue reading
BnB Photos 8.8.14
Photos are from the Boots ‘n’ Buckles Dance on 8/8/14 at which we were the DJs. Thank you Laura Ma for the photos! [flagallery gid=12]
QS 8.2.14 Hawaiian
Photos from Quicksteppers Hawaiian Dance 8/2/14, Belmont, CA. Thank you Laura Ma! [flagallery gid=11]
QS 4th of July Dance 2014
Country Quicksteppers will holding its 4th of July dance this coming Saturday, July 5, at the Barrett Community Center, Belmont, CA. See their website for all the info!
Power Tools!
Excellent condition power tools for the handyperson! Check out the miscellaneous tab at top. Photos are included!
New Dance of Mine Jan. 2014
Choreographed a new dance called “Good Hearted Woman.” Debuted it at the Cactus Corners workshop Jan. 18, 2014. There is a video under the tab Choreography. You’ll also find the step description there as well. The steps can also be found … Continue reading
Joey Warren, Palo Alto 2014
World renowned choreographer and instructor, Joey Warren was a guest instructor in our interm./advanced Tuesday night class in Palo Alto, CA, January 21, 2014! Joey taught 2 dances: Never Enough, and PostCode Envy. A fabulous time was had by all. Joey Warren … Continue reading
Jan. 2014 Announcements
NEWS: World renowned choreographer and instructor, Joey Warren will be a guest instructor in our Tuesday night class in Palo Alto, CA: January 21, 2014! Time will be 7-9 pm (may stretch to 9:30 pm that night). See class tab at top … Continue reading
Some end of 2013 announcements
NEWS: World renowned choreographer and instructor, Joey Warren will be a guest instructor in our Tuesday night class in Palo Alto, CA: January 21, 2014! Time will be 7-9 pm (may stretch to 9:30 pm that night). See class tab for address … Continue reading
2013 Top 40 Most Popular
Everyone has an opinion; here’s mine. Here are the 40 dances which seemed to be the most popular during the entire 2013 year (throughout the San Francisco Bay Area)–regardless when a dance was choreographed. Some are more recent, some are from earlier … Continue reading
Beginner Dances Alongside Interm. Jan. 2013
Reviews of dances that I have taught for first-time Beginners are below: These are Beginner dances that can be danced along with Intermediate dances to the same song. Several of my Beginner students will be attending the Quicksteppers 2nd Annual Doug … Continue reading
Joey Warren
NEWS: World renowned choreographer and instructor, Joey Warren will be a guest instructor in our Tuesday night class in Palo Alto, CA: January 21, 2014! Time will be 7-9 pm (may stretch to 9:30 pm that night). See class tab for address … Continue reading
Silk & Satin 18th Birthday 2013
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Silk & Satin (line dance choreographed by yours truly, Evelyn). On Dec. 13, 2013, it will celebrate it’s 18th birthday. This dance is still being done on the Bay Area dance floors, almost every week. Yipee! See … Continue reading
New Fav. for Dec. 2013
My new favorites for DEC. 2013 so far: A Liquid Lunch, Always Alone, Girl Power, I Hope You Find It, If I Had Wings, No Man’s Land, Running Scared, Shakin’ My Head,
Frances Lind – In Memory, Nov. 26, 2013
IN MEMORY OF FRANCES LIND (passed away 11/26/13). She was a long-time line dancer and supporter of line dance classes, socials and clubs. May she rest in peace.