Post-COVID new classes on site resumed on Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2021, 12:15-1:15 pm.
On-site classes Tuesdays, Menlo Park, CA: 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Beginning October 22, 2024, our location will change from the Peninsula Volunteers Little House to (still in Menlo Park, CA):
Arrillaga Family Recreation Center
700 Alma Street
Menlo Park, CA (USA) 94025
Directions to 2 of the “large” parking lots by the Arrillaga Rec. Center:
Parking Lot on Alma
Parking Lot on Laurel
The Arrillaga Rec. Center is approximately the same distance from both.
You’ll need to pre-register for classes. You may choose to pay a drop-in fee instead. However, you will need to establish an account nonetheless. Here is the link to do all of this on line. Call the number above if you have any questions.
Beginner Line Dance Registration Form
The first session at the new location will be for 8 weeks, October 22 – December 10, 2024. The following session will start on January 7, 2025 for 10 weeks. More info on that session will be forthcoming.
Beginner Class Videos And Photos:
Some students from our Beginner class were brave enough to take a photo,
Dec. 20, 2022:
Ira Weisburd workshop on 10/1/2017 in Benicia, CA. 3 of our students are in the video: Susan, Ling Ling, Barbara. Way to go!
Dec. 28, 2016–Below are some of our Beginner students performing The Mannequin Challenge!
October 28, 2015–Beginner Halloween party! Everyone wasn’t able to come but the folks in the photo came decked out!

October 28, 2015–Below is a video of some of our Beginner class folks dancing the Monster Mash (by Karrie Stang).
Anni Wunderlich was a guest instructor to teach her dance called Baked A Cake
4 students in our Beginner class in Menlo Park, CA, choreographed a dance, June 2015! It’s an Upper Beginner, 4-wall, 32-count dance. Check it out! Mustache With Panache The step description and video are also on Copperknob.